
【Great Barrier Reef ,Cairns Adventure, Australia】5天4夜世界遺產大堡礁冒險之旅!




Cairns was my last destination in Australia. It’s so worthy to come there to do divers activities what you want to, but just remember to make sure you have enough money. We spent 5 days 4 nights staying in Cairns, and there were lots of relaxing ways for us to discover how nature Great Barrier Reef is, such as swimming, rafting, snorkeling and so on. What’s more, we confused the condition of weather in Cairns so we though there must be hot in summer. Conversely, it’s so cool during these days. As a result, we were so struggled to jump into the water. Even though it’s not quite hot, it’s still the perfect choice to stay there. In addition, I thought Cairns is an expensive city because you might not know how many times you need to withdraw money. Honestly, I did 3times during these days. I love Cairns, I love Queensland.

[Day 1]06thAugust, Brisbane→Cairns

魚妹從布里斯本出發至凱恩斯,此趟旅伴是魚妹在昆士蘭大學語言學校認識的好朋友Leo,由於經費的關係,在澳洲每趟的旅遊,幾乎選擇入住背包客棧,入住背包客棧的好處是能直接感受當下的人情味。Global Central Backpackers是我們入住的背包客棧,它的旅客來自世界各地;相較於墨爾本Green House在價格上又更親民,來一趟充滿海洋風情的凱恩斯,你很快就能融入當地友善的氛圍。

We have suffered from the dizzy situation all the time when we were staying in Cairns. As far as I am concerned, nothing is possible to happen such as carsickness, seasickness and airsickness. In my opinion, we stayed in Global central backpackers and it’s cheaper and stuffs were friendly. That’s why it was better than Green House.


That’s Esplanade Swimming Lagoon. The amazing things that we saw, which was a pretty lady fixed her bikini with her one hand only. Then, the bikini dropped down the ground. It’s definitely kind of paradise for men.We searched the things to do in Cairns. One of wasBotanic Garden, so we walked along the coastal in 2 hours. However, we were so exhausted because of the far distance. We gave up so that just took a break at the gallery for a while.


We strolled along on the Esplanade street in the evening, we didn’t know the exactly what time it was. There were lots of travel agencies and backpackers. All you need to do was choose what you would like to and pay the money.

[Day 2]07thAugust , Moore Reef, Great Barrier Reef



We were so excited to snorkel under Moore Reef. It took 2 hours from the Reef Fleet Terminal to Moore Reef, we booked tour namedSUNLOVER.


I did recommend the tour of seawalker at the Great Barrier Reef where is one of world heritage. The headgear was at least 30 kg, so that it could make sure we dived down under the seabed 10 meters. Due to the cold temperature, I thought I couldn't breathe.


A group of five individuals into the water together, we saw a lot of fish and took amazing pictures underwater at the same time. One of which was the largest coral reef fish, its name was Humphead Wrasse. Furthermore, it’s my first time to be with fish, it’s so cool.


I guessed I did my best snorkel, and this was the nearest distance between coral reefs and me. Due to the life jacket, I was not able to dive properly, it’s a pity that I didn’t have any experiences of scuba diving. If I had done scuba diving, I would have been able to see more beautiful scenery. Basically, snorkeling is our bucket list.


Because of only 16-18 degrees underwater, we did our best enjoy underwater. However, the good thing was that we were pretty lucky as we got all sunny days during these days.

[Day 3]08thAugust, Rafting


That was the second times to rafting for me. The first time I did in Hualien of Taiwan. Honestly, aspect of safety, Australian company was more comprehensive than Taiwan. I didn’t mean everything from Taiwan was bad, but they were much more serious indeed. Our team was all from Taiwan, and our instructor was so professional.


All the rafting tour in Cairns would belong to the same company, Raging Thunder Adventures which is the largest adventure company in Australia. Also, from CBD to the rafting site it took about 2.5 hours. Passing by the roads to our destination, I saw much more beautiful scenery such as clear grasslands, a bunch of banana trees. Before we started, we rented the suit and shoes to keep warm and protect ourselves. It’s so important.


Our team was no.10 and our members were Taiwanese. Our coach has experienced on the river over 10 years. Before setting off, you must make sure everything is ready before you jump into the river included life jackets, shoes, helmets, paddles. You must listen and follow your coach carefully to make sure safety. What’s more, it’s kind of team work to accomplish our goal.


Why did I say that the safety measures are better than in Taiwan? Firstly, they checked tools seriously. Secondly, our feet were inside the boat, Taiwanese is not. Third, there were plenty of training every single indication such as forward, backward, up, down, left, right, stop, squat, back, jump, and other command to make sure everyone has enough training. Particularly, whether you can swim or not, you have to learn how to save your partners. Then, you can launch into your adventure.


In one case, it’s dangerous. Our coach repeated many times how everyone should be ready in different positions. Then, our partners who were very close stone less than 5 cm. This explained why we had to concentrate and obey coach’s instructions, because safety is the most important thing. It’s really excited and fun.

[Day 4]09thAugust, Just Relax, GSL Aviation


The journey was so relaxing. In the morning, we had perfect but expensive breakfast. After that, we swam, we slept. We enjoyed relaxing the lovely sunny, which was the wonderful moment.


Afternoon we flied overlooking the beautiful Great Barrier Reef. Even though it took 50 minutes only, I was so struggled because of airsickness.


In the evening, We did Korean style massage. Perfect!

[Day 5]10thAugust


Actually we didn’t plan any itinerary at all, we just lay down the ground to enjoy the nice weather.








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澳大利亞 昆士蘭州 凱恩斯